An introduction to Dreamscape

The Rocky Mountains, Lander's Peak by Albert Bierstadt, 1863

Hello, Internet!

I hope this email finds you well.

I would assume you do not remember signing up for this newsletter.

On the 6th of December 2023, I created an account on the newsletter service Buttondown.

Since then, I’ve displayed a form on my website, inviting visitors of the site to sign up to this newsletter.

Thirty-six of you have signed up, and it’s about time I get around to post this first issue!

What’s it all about?

Good question.

As of this writing, I don’t know. But what I do know is a lot of things about my self, like my profession and interests. It would be safe to assume my writing is going to reflect these topics.

Topics such as iOS development, web development, embedded development, film development, reading and writing.

If any of these topics sound somewhat interesting, I recommend staying subscribed!

In addition to thoughts and writings about a given topic, the newsletter is going to be a great way to stay up to date with what I’ve been up to. I’ll be sharing a couple of links in each issue.

I plan on sending out an issue every two weeks.

For this first issue, I’d like to cover what’s been going on over at my personal website lately.


Another iteration of

I’ve yet again done a complete revamp of my personal website! Here is a quick rundown of how it is built:

I downloaded the Protocol template from TailwindUI. It is intended to be a API documentation template, but after a couple of modifications it is working great as a blog website.

It is built using Next, styled with Tailwind, and hosted on Vercel. For writing content, I am using MDX, and I’ve added Frontmatter for custom metadata.

With Frontmatter on the blogposts, I’ve created two automatically generated pages. One is for showing all the tags on the website, and one is for showing all the blogposts related to a given tag.

And thats it! Starting from a template was a great timesaver, and I think it will be interesting to see how long this iteration of the website is going to last.

Upcoming additions include RSS, and I’m considering removing all animations from the website.

Let me know what you think of it!

Recent blogposts

Recent videos

Day in the life of an iOS developer

On Patreon, I uploaded a vlog style video. It was fun creating a video on a new format, and I’m stoked with how it turned out!

programming projects tier list

From YouTube, in which I arbitrarily rate types of programming projects. Creating mods for Minecraft came out on top.

Where have all the websites gone?

Jason discusses how “all of the websites” has not gone anywhere, but our ability to discover new sites has been lost to the appification and centralization on bigger platforms.

Inspiration for a minimal link website.

Daily drawing from the iPhone Notes app.

That’s it!

I’d be super happy if you replied to this email letting me know what you think of it!

You can find me on these channels:

Website YouTube Patreon Discord

For the next issue, I’m planning on writing about the state of my YouTube channel, which has been growing a lot this year.


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Join the newsletter

Every two weeks, I send an email about things that interest me, things I have built and things I have learned.

Previous issues